Recognizing Certified Nursing Assistants!
Today I want to give a shout out to our Certified Nursing Assistants that work
Today I want to give a shout out to our Certified Nursing Assistants that work
With all the new vaccine updates happening, I want to take a quick moment and
I was recently interviewed on a radio talk show called Successful Aging that covers diverse
The new CDC guidance for reopening your nursing home has much to unpack since the
Citations happen. It is part of our industry. While this is obviously not an ideal
Today I want to discuss an often-overlooked area of infection prevention and control. Food services
Laundry Services does not come to mind first when we think of infection control and
In the wake of all the challenges we are facing, and seemingly so much tough
This is a bit of a different blog than what I typically write, and perhaps
The recently published CNN article “Government action took months as nursing home workers died during